Funding Area Medical Research: University of Zurich, Center for Gerontology

Vontobel Prize for Aging Research

The University of Zurich's Center for Gerontology annually awards the University of Zurich's Aging Research Prize, endowed by the Vontobel Foundation. The main goal is to promote gerontological research in Switzerland, which can originate in any scientific field related to aging.


The Vontobel Foundation finances the annual Prize for Aging Research. It is awarded to people or organizations in Switzerland who are involved in research into gerontology. The prize is endowed with 30,000 francs which is usually divided between three winners.

The prize may be awarded to one or more persons for completed, publishable, or already published work of outstanding quality, in the form of an article in a scientific journal.

The aim is to support the transfer of knowledge between research and practice, in particular the development of basic knowledge for practice, and of practical experience for research, as well as the scientific review of gerontological practice. Another important concern is to inform the public, raising awareness of societal issues relating to aging, in order to underline possibilities for solidarity between different generations, age groups, and professional groups in the field of gerontology.

“Every year we have the chance to award prizes for outstanding research work in the field of gerontology."

Prof. Dr. Mike Martin, Chairman of the Jury


“Aging research meets an important need of an aging society, helping to contribute to solidarity between generations. This prize was very important to our founder.”

Marlies Heerdegen, Director of the Vontobel Foundation

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